SuperTeam enables users to create, publish, transmit Content, such as Campaign description, images, comments etc. (
User content).
You hereby declare and warrant that your User content, published by you on Super.Tabletochki:
- does not contain abusive language, offensive comments related to race, nation, gender, sexual preferences or physical disabilities;
- does not contain obscene material (such as pornography, scenes of violence or criminal activity);
- is not unacceptable or unauthorized advertising, chain letters, spam, mass mailings or other forms of imposition;
- does not promote violence and cruelty, does not contain threats and does not encourage violence against any person or animal;
- is not fraudulent and does not violate any applicable laws, regulations or rules;
- does not violate the right to private life of the third parties.
If the description of your campaign violates warranties mentioned above or otherwise may be harmful or unacceptable to
Tabletochki, users or third parties, our administrator may refuse to publish your campaign on Super.Tabletochki.
When you share any User content through Super.Tabletochki you hereby declare and warrant that:
(1) Distribution of your User content does not infringe the property or non-property rights of the third parties, including copyright,
trade secrets and other intellectual property rights.
(2) You are the sole and exclusive owner of all User content that you publish on Super.Tabletochki, or have all the rights, licenses,
consents and permissions required to grant Tabletochki the rights to this User content, and allow us and other users to use your
User content in any way allowed by these Terms and functionality of Super.Tabletochki.
(3) You are responsible for all personal information that may be contained in your User content (e.g. addresses, pictures of people,
phone numbers, etc.)
All rights, including intellectual property rights to such User content, belong to you. You hereby declare and warrant that you are
authorized to and hereby grant Tabletochki a limited, non-exclusive, free, revocable, sublicensable, transferable worldwide license
to access, use, copy, reproduce, publish, modify and distribute such User content for the purpose of rendering services through
Super.Tabletochki or other purposes under these Terms.